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来源:影像研究与医学应用 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-07-13
摘要:重庆美国大使馆旧址。 摄影/唐安冰 《重庆重要抗战遗址图集》记载,此建筑坐西向东,建筑面积822.72平方米。始建于1942年,建成后至1946年5月,为美国驻中国大使馆馆址之一。美国大

重庆美国大使馆旧址。 摄影/唐安冰



According to the “Atlas of Chongqing's Important Anti-Japanese War Sites”, the building faces the east with an area of 822.72 square meters. Built in 1942 and completed in May 1946, it is one of the US embassy sites in Chongqing. After the US Embassy was relocated to Nanjing, the building was incorporated into the former Zhongzheng Hospital and is now used by the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center.

In December 1896, the United States opened a consulate in Chongqing, the first consul dispatched being Mr Schmidt. Located in front of the city's Wufu Palace, the place unveiled the diplomatic relationship between the United States and Chongqing. In November 1937, the National Government moved to Chongqing. In August 1938, US Ambassador to China Nelson Trusler Johnson led the staff of the US Embassy in China, followed suit. When moved in Chongqing, the US Embassy had been consecutively operating in Zhongshan 4th Road (Zhongshan 4th Road Primary School), No. 40 Liziba Zheng Street, No. 1 Jiankang Road, Longmenhao Zaozi Bay, Nan'an District. The US News Service also relocated to Chongqing back then.




On the eve of the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, the United States sent John Kors, who was savvy to the Far East affairs, to replace Johnson as the ambassador to China. In late October 1944, president Roosevelt decided to recall Kors and appointed Hurley as the ambassador to China as a result of the intensification of the conflict between the commanding general of all U.S. forces in China Stilwell and Chiang Kai-shek. In 1946, the US Embassy moved back to Nanjing.

In 2000, the former site of the US Embassy in the People's Republic of China was listed by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government as one of the first municipal-level cultural relics protection units. In 2019, on May 18th, the building was renovated and it has become the exhibition hall of the US Embassy in Chongqing as a diplomatic organization of the Allies. It is officially open to the public free of charge and is the first video&photographic exhibition of such category.

The former site of the US Embassy in Chongqing as part of the relics of the diplomatic corps of the Allied countries is an emblem of Chongqing's important historical status and historical contribution during the Anti-Japanese War.

重庆美国大使馆旧址。 摄影/唐安冰《重庆重要抗战遗址图集》记载,此建筑坐西向东,建筑面积822.72平方米。始建于1942年,建成后至1946年5月,为美国驻中国大使馆馆址之一。美国大使馆返迁南京后,该建筑纳入原中正医院,现为重庆市急救医疗中心的使用范围。1896年12月,美国在重庆开设领事馆,首任领事是石密特,馆址设在城内五福宫前,这是美国与重庆关系的开端。1937年11月,国民政府迁都重庆。1938年8月,美国驻华大使詹森率大使馆人员迁渝。美国大使馆迁渝后,先后在今渝中区中山四路(中山四路小学)、李子坝正街40号、健康路1号、南岸区龙门浩枣子湾等地办公,同时迁渝的还有美国新闻处。According to the “Atlas of Chongqing's Important Anti-Japanese War Sites”, the building faces the east with an area of 822.72 square meters. Built in 1942 and completed in May 1946, it is one of the US embassy sites in Chongqing. After the US Embassy was relocated to Nanjing, the building was incorporated into the former Zhongzheng Hospital and is now used by the Chongqing Emergency Medical December 1896, the United States opened a consulate in Chongqing, the first consul dispatched being Mr Schmidt. Located in front of the city's Wufu Palace, the place unveiled the diplomatic relationship between the United States and Chongqing. In November 1937, the National Government moved to Chongqing. In August 1938, US Ambassador to China Nelson Trusler Johnson led the staff of the US Embassy in China, followed suit. When moved in Chongqing, the US Embassy had been consecutively operating in Zhongshan 4th Road (Zhongshan 4th Road Primary School), No. 40 Liziba Zheng Street, No. 1 Jiankang Road, Longmenhao Zaozi Bay, Nan'an District. The US News Service also relocated to Chongqing back 年太平洋战争爆发前夕,美国派遣深谙远东事务的高思接替詹森担任驻华大使。1944年10月下旬,由于同盟国中国战区统帅部参谋长美国将军史迪威与蒋介石矛盾加剧,罗斯福决定召回高思,任命赫尔利为驻华大使。1946年美国大使馆返迁南京。2000年,重庆美国大使馆旧址被重庆市人民政府公布为第一批市级文物保护单位。2019年5月18日,该建筑经修缮,作为同盟国驻渝外交机构重庆美国大使馆旧址陈列馆,正式对外免费开放,是同盟国驻渝外交机构首个对外开放的影像历史陈列馆。重庆美国大使馆旧址作为同盟国驻渝外交机构遗址群组成部分,是重庆在抗战时期重要历史地位、重要历史贡献的体现。On the eve of the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, the United States sent John Kors, who was savvy to the Far East affairs, to replace Johnson as the ambassador to China. In late October 1944, president Roosevelt decided to recall Kors and appointed Hurley as the ambassador to China as a result of the intensification of the conflict between the commanding general of all U.S. forces in China Stilwell and Chiang Kai-shek. In 1946, the US Embassy moved back to 2000, the former site of the US Embassy in the People's Republic of China was listed by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government as one of the first municipal-level cultural relics protection units. In 2019, on May 18th, the building was renovated and it has become the exhibition hall of the US Embassy in Chongqing as a diplomatic organization of the Allies. It is officially open to the public free of charge and is the first video&photographic exhibition of such former site of the US Embassy in Chongqing as part of the relics of the diplomatic corps of the Allied countries is an emblem of Chongqing's important historical status and historical contribution during the Anti-Japanese War.

文章来源:《影像研究与医学应用》 网址: http://www.yxyjyyxyy.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0713/370.html

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